Need something new to inspire you? Bound & Lettered provides practical information on bookbinding, calligraphy, artists’ books, and papercraft. You will find each issue filled with wonderful ideas and projects. This quarterly publication features how-to articles with step-by-step instructions and illustrations, artists’ galleries featuring the works of accomplished calligraphers and books artists, useful articles on tools and materials. and book and exhibit reviews.
Past issues are available as single issues.
Bound & Lettered
Bound & Lettered
Bound & Lettered
Bound & Lettered
Testimonials for Bound & Lettered
“I have enjoyed Bound & Lettered since its beginning.”
Monica L., Salem, South Carolina.
“I can’t live without my Bound & Lettered. It’s a wonderful publication.”
Pam V. D., San Jose, California.
“My last issue of the Bound & Lettered arrived in Oz today. It’s a super issue.”
Collene K., Australia.