During the past century, the United States was rated first among nations in technological innovation. This provided a strong foundation for a booming economy and the emergence of countless improvements in how we live. We now are ranked fourth. We rate 41st in education, and a dismal 85th in the percentage of graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
This book describes things that this country can do to regain its preeminence in scientific creativity and innovation. It suggests to managers and corporate leaders ways to motivate and inspire organizations to innovate. The book also offers guidance to those aspiring to careers in STEM fields.
Ken Richardson cites historic examples to illustrate the thinking rationale ofsuccessful inventors. He also draws on an extensive personal corporate careerto provide examples of proven manage mentstyles that establish a stimulating
The book’s contents provide a clear path to help our country
once again attain its world leadership in innovation.
About the Author
Ken Richardson, author of Sparking Innovation (Sea Hill Press, 2019) and Hughes After Howard: The Story of Hughes Aircraft Company (Sea Hill Press, 2011), was raised in Hawaii and began his career at Hughes Aircraft Company as a radar design engineer.
In forty years of service, Ken rose to become president of Hughes Missile Systems Group and then corporate president and chief operating officer. This team of more than 80,000 employees created products at the forefront in every field of electronics technologies. Ken received degrees with honors in engineering and business administration from Tufts University, USC, and UCLA. In the early 1990s, each of these institutions, as well as the Los Angeles Unified School District, selected him for its annual award for leadership excellence. He has served as trustee on the boards of six large nonprofit organizations.
An active life has included raising two sons, sailing, scuba diving, golfing, backpacking, earning a private pilot license, hands-on flights in many military aircraft, and visits to over one hundred nations. After retiring in 1991, he now resides with his wife, Charlotte, in Santa Barbara, California, and enjoys activities with four grandchildren.
D. Kenneth Richardson