Set in the Sierra Nevada railroad outpost of 1910 Truckee, California, this story follows the Edwards family as they struggle to survive in the harsh mountains during the turbulent early 20th century. Through Noonan s heartfelt retelling of events in the lives of the Edwards family, the reader experiences the family s stubborn determination to triumph over hunger, illness, and aching sadness. The novel offers insights into human conflicts and family endurance. The lives of Mary Edwards, her family, and the townspeople in Truckee and Sacramento capture the social transformation in the unforgettable century of the California woman s suffrage movement, Prohibition, two World Wars, and the transition to modern-day life. The House on Harrigan s Hill is a poignant tale of the impoverished lives of the five children, the alcoholism and infidelity of the charismatic father, and the sustaining commitment of their independent mother. Their grim circumstances lead to resentment, remorse, and ultimately, forgiveness.
About The Author
C. J. NOONAN writes short stories, is writing her second novel, and also publishes a nonfiction education blog at She lives with her husband, Peter in Los Altos, California. She has two grown daughters.
C J Noonan