As a consultant, Greg Sharp and his support staff managed all publishing and production material for Portland Press. This service provided management of Portland Press staff and development, production, and distribution models for all books, DVDs, Original Limited Edition Prints, and Studio Edition Glass programs. During this term, Greg was part of a team that oversaw documentary filming and production development that showcased the artist and his work. This development was used to produce annual rollouts of Chihuly filmed programs. Greg held the primary role in implementing systems and agreements and created PBS campaigns that were used as pledge fundraising events across the country.

Over the years, Greg Sharp and his team have worked with independent producers and have coordinated with KCTS-Channel 9. His development of pledge drive programming and the creation of supporting promotional material made each project a simple exercise.
—Jay Parikh, Executive Director of Program Development & Distribution,
KCTS Channel 9, Seattle, WA